  • RealPower PB-20k PD (306949)

RealPower PB-20k PD - Schwarz - Headphones/Headset - MP3/MP4 - Handy/Smartphone - Smartwatch - Tablet - Rechteck - 20000 mAh - USB - 74 Wh (306949)

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Noch 2.668 Stück verfügbar
45, 67
inkl. 19 % MwSt.

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Powerbank with 20,000 mAh for charging mobile devices

Connections, charging options and full capacity: the RealPower PB-20k PD
with 20,000 mAh battery power not only provides fresh smartphone
power on the go. In addition to tablets, notebooks also benefit
from the mobile energy of the compact charger thanks to 18 watt power delivery via USB Type-C.

The flexibility of the power bank is also evident in its own energy supply
- it is not only
charged via Micro-USB, USB Type-C, but also via the built-in Lightning input. In this way, the user can also use his Apple charging cable
for loading and unloading.

Overall, the PB-20k PD comes with two full-fledged USB ports that
deliver an output current of up to 3,000 mA, and a Type-C connection
equipped - for example, two smartphones and a notebook
can be supplied with power at the same time. An integrated display shows the
current charge level of the power bank.

Powerbank with 20,000 mAh for charging mobile devices
Connections, charging options and full capacity: the RealPower PB-20k PD
with 20,000 mAh battery power not only provides fresh smartphone
power on the go. In addition to tablets, notebooks also benefit
from the mobile energy of the compact charger thanks to 18 watt power delivery via USB Type-C.
The flexibility of the power bank is also evident in its own energy supply
- it is not only
charged via Micro-USB, USB Type-C, but also via the built-in Lightning input. In this way, the user can also use his Apple charging cable
for loading and unloading.
Overall, the PB-20k PD comes with two full-fledged USB ports that
deliver an output current of up to 3,000 mA, and a Type-C connection
equipped - for example, two smartphones and a notebook
can be supplied with power at the same time. An integrated display shows the
current charge level of the power bank.


Anzahl simultan anschließbarer Geräte (max) 2
Produktfarbe Schwarz
Aufladekompatibilität Headphones/Headset, MP3/MP4, Handy/Smartphone, Smartwatch, Tablet
Eingebaute Anzeige Ja
Form Rechteck
Batteriekapazität 20000 mAh
Aufladequelle USB
Batteriekapazität (Wattstunden) 74 Wh
Eingangsspannung 5 V
Eingangsstrom 2 A
Gesamte Ausgangsleistung 18 W
Ausgangsspannung 5 V
Ausgangsstrom 3 A
Ausgangsstrom Anschluss 1 3 A
Ausgangsstrom Anschluss 2 2 A
Anschluss 3 Ausgangsstrom 1,5 A
Anschlüsse und Schnittstellen
Input Anschluss Lightning + Micro-USB
Ausgangs-Steckplätze USB A 2
USB Type-C-Stecker Ja
USB Typ-C Anzahl Anschlüsse 2
Mikro-USB-Stecker Ja
Anzahl Micro-USB-Stecker 1
Lightning-Anschluss Ja
Anzahl Blitzanschlüsse 1
Menge pro Packung 1 Stück(e)


Name RealPower
Handelsname ultron AG
Email info@ultron.de
Straße Robert-Koch-Str. 7-17
Ort 52499 Baesweiler
Land Deutschland


von O. D. (18.12.2020)
Alles kam sehr schnell und war ok und super, danke.
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