  • Metapace K-3, silber/schwarz Kassenlade, Klappdeckel, Maße (BxHxT): 460x100x170mm, 6 Scheinfächer (vertikal), 8 Münzfächer, 1 Scheckfach, 2 pos. Schloß, unterschiedliche Schließung, Anschluß an Kassendrucker, RJ12, Farbe: silber/schwarz (META-k3s)

Metapace K-3, silber/schwarz Kassenlade, Klappdeckel, Maße (BxHxT): 460x100x170mm, 6 Scheinfächer (vertikal), 8 Münzfächer, 1 Scheckfach, 2 pos. Schloß, unterschiedliche Schließung, Anschluß an Kassendrucker, RJ12, Farbe: silber/schwarz (META-k3s)

  • Metapace (META-k3s)
  • ArtNr: 814942
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Noch 327 Stück verfügbar
221, 19
inkl. 19 % MwSt.

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Robust flip top box for particularly space saving use 8 coin, 7 note, 1 cheque compartment Combines high performance with absolutely small size (only 46x10x17 cm) Elegant steel housing in black with stainless steel ...

Robust flip top box for particularly space saving use
8 coin, 7 note, 1 cheque compartment
Combines high performance with absolutely small size (only 46x10x17 cm)
Elegant steel housing in black with stainless steel cover
If lack of space or high throughput is an issue at your point-of-sale, the Metapace K-3 flip-lid cash box is the right choice. Bank notes are sorted in vertical compartments resulting in very small external dimensions (46x10x17 cm, WxHxD). Fast and ergonomic work is guaranteed by a lid that opens upwards. Its extremely robust lid mechanism successfully passed tests with over two million open/close processes without any material fatigue, making this cash box the perfect choice for demanding and overloaded checkouts with long periods of use.
The K-3 features seven bank note and eight coin compartments, as well as a cheque compartment that can be filled externally with receipts. Both coin and bank note inserts can be removed separately from the box. The K-3 is connected directly to the POS printer using the Epson standard connection.
The flip-lid box features a 3-position lock that makes it possible to open the box manually, configure it for automatic operation through the POS printer, or lock it completely. To control the checkout process, the cash register drawer is equipped with a microswitch that informs the POS software of the current status of the drawer. The scope of delivery includes a lockable lid for additional security when switching cashiers


Produktfarbe Schwarz
Gewicht & Abmessungen
Abmessungen (BxTxH) 460 x 100 x 170 mm


Name Metapace
Handelsname Colormetrics GmbH
Email info@metapace.com
Straße Braugasse 5
Ort 35390 Giessen
Land Deutschland
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